Sunday, September 07, 2008

Is Guy Ritchie Antisemitic or Just Anti-Kabbalah?

A character is described in a review of Guy Ritchie's new movie, RocknRolla, as:-

an unscrupulous Russian billionaire called Uri Obromavich, proud owner of a West London football club and the sophisticated new face of crime.

Ritchie has said: "The movie was inspired by the fact that London has become a new Wild West. I suppose where it's really changed is in the upper echelons, so I just wanted to make a humorous commentary on that.

Hey, just how wild do you have to be to use "Uri" and identify the criminal as "Jewish"? What, plain old "Russian" and "Yuri" couldn't do?

Official trailer here.

And, of course, if that doesn't excite you, the female lead

just may:

With a bit of London street slang that will not wind up on network television, Ms. Newton said she would like to be physically intimate with all the fans in attendance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The correct answer to your question is - YES!