But I think she needs a lesson in the essence of the democratic process.
In an interview with an Arab press service, Bluhm was quoted as saying:-
...that whoever wins [the presidential election] will not change America’s commitment to Palestine. “We are all still concerned, and whoever wins will be just as committed to creating a state called Palestine,” she said.
ElderofZiyon has tracked down another not-so-smart remark of hers in 2007 here.
Now she should know that, in America, policies can change.
After all, those "settlements" - aka, Jewish communities - were once an obstacle to peace in the Carter era policy concept and under Reagan, that policy changed.
Maybe a future president will not be that enthusiastic about the need for a "state" for Arabs who refer to themselves as "Palestinians".
Bluhm shouldn't be that gung-ho about a policy that is dangerous for an American ally, dangerous for local Arabs and ultimately, not very good for America.
How can I be so sure? Well she herself ennunciated it in the past:-
The US said on Sunday it was ready to deal with Palestinian government ministers who were not members of Hamas, which is regarded as a terrorist group by Washington.
"Individuals who are not members of foreign terrorist organisations but who do hold office in the unity government, we do not rule out contact with those individuals," said Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm, spokeswoman for the US consulate in Jerusalem.
It seems the US has decided to subtly change its stance towards the Palestinian government, our correspondent says.
Funnily enough, Bluhm, was not very helpful in this case:-
The American Consulate in Jerusalem has denied a visa to the Filipino caregiver of an 86-year-old American immigrant who planned to travel to the US this fall for the wedding of her grandson, the family said Tuesday.
The consulate has refused to provide Cabullos with a visa, even though she was issued one last year for a similar trip that fell through due to Weitz's poor health.
..."The consulate does not discuss individual visa cases. If a visa is denied, it is because the individual's circumstances do not make them eligible for the visa under US law," US Consulate spokeswoman Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm said in a written response.
Maybe she needs a brush-up on the democratic process?
(Kippah tip: Mere Rhetoric)
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