Sunday, September 02, 2007

Shiloh - At the Start

The following is from the official Ministry of Foreign Affairs site of historical interest on the begginings of Shiloh:-

Reply in the Knesset by Deputy Defence Minister Zippori on settlements, 3 February 1978.

During the last week of January, Assistant Secretary Atherton continued his efforts to bridge the gaps between the Israeli and Egyptian position on the declaration of principles, but made little progress. Meanwhile President Sadat was preparing to leave for Washington for talks with President Carter. On the eve of his departure, a number of American newspapers carried a letter signed by Sadat addressed to American Jews, in which he explained the position of Egypt. In Israel, a major debate was taking place on the future of the settlements, both in Sinai and in the West Bank, where a Gush Emunim group settled at an archaeological site near Shiloh. In a reply to a motion for the agenda, Deputy, Defence Minister Zippori said that the government settlement policy was to bolster existing settlements as well as establishing new ones. On the Shiloh settlements, he said that Gush Emunim would help in the excavations at Shiloh. Text:

1. So far no discussion had been held by the governments of Israel, and no proposal has been put forward on giving up or abandoning any settlements in any area whatsoever. On the contrary. Intensive activity is being carried out by the settlement institutions with a view to bolstering existing settlements and establishing new ones throughout the area of the country.

2. On the subject of Shiloh: In response to a specific request from an authoritative professional factor, and after funds were allocated by the Ministry of Education, the Defence Ministry approved the setting up of a camp for the archaeological mission to work at the site in the digging season. The factor responsible for the dig decided to make use of the services of the Gush Emunim settlement group that wishes to set up its home at this site. We see nothing wrong with this wish on the specific condition - and this has been stressed to all those concerned - that implementation of the archaeological dig is no substitute for the need for a cabinet decision over the establishment of any new settlement, so long as no such decision has been taken, no settlement will be established

1 comment:

Daniel said...

which american presidential candidate do you and other settlers like the most and fear the most?