Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Kaporos - A Guest Posting

To appreciate this you must know of the Jewish ritual of swinging a live hen over one's head to absolve one of the year's sins. Some use money to redeem themselves. PETA objects on the grounds that it is not good for the chicks (guess they feel that one should only swing a chick on the dance floor and they scream "FOWL"!).

Sing on:

(sung to the tune of "Rabbi Elimelech". At end of each verse repeat lines in red. Hope you know the Yiddish melody)

Seems an argument is brewin' ~

Hope that PETA isn't suin'

As some rabbis are embroiled in 'shlug kapo-ros' ~

Some say 'get a chick and bring it

So the fam-i-ly can swing it'

Others say that it will only bring us tso-ros !.

Rabbi Shmool says money shakin'

Is just tantamount to fakin'

As we Jews must all atone for all that sin-nin'

But, alas, the PETA folk

Say the thing is not a joke

'cause the chicken can get migraines from the spin-nin' !

Rabbi Yankele's opinion

Is supported by a minyan -

They're advising that we Jews should not be chick –en ~

But, then PETA comes along

And insists that they are wrong

'cause the chicken that is swingin' looks so strick-en!

But one Rav - with pointed finger

Speaks against the chicken swinger

Thinks the time has now arrived for co-exis –tence ~

Lest we cause a rev-o-lu-tion

We must find a good so-lu-tion

We can do it if we work with great per-sis-tence.

Chicks might - of their own volition-

Under just the right condition, -

If exactly for this purpose they are bred,

Think how much we would be gaining

If , with just the perfect training

We could teach the chicks to circle overhead!

We could make it so inviting

And a tiny bit exciting

And both PETA and the rabbis would be win-ners

With the "Funky Chicken" tune

Happy chickens all would croon

And we'd all end up with happy chicken din-ners!

by Chana

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