Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Is there a psychosis called Masochistic Self-Hatred?

Amira Haas has published "Khan Yunis / What Netzarim cost Sheikh Ajlin: 114 lives, 1,900 dunams, 105 homes".

What can I say?

One Jay Friedman from Ra'anana added this response there at the site:

The Palestinian leadership caused the death of 114 Palestinians.
Can you imagine how Gaza would have looked had the Palestinians and the other Arab leaders been willing to make peace with Israel in 1947..in 1948? in 1949? in 1956? in 1967? in 1968 and on and on and on and on? in 2001? in 2001? in 2002? in 2003? in 2004???? Would Israel have remained in any part of the Gaza Strip if the Palestinians would have the courage to make peace?

He has said it all.

Poor Amira. But at least she made money off of Gaza by publishing a book.

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