Friday, April 19, 2013

When Boston Meets Intifada

Caught this:

Sleep problems plaguing many in Boston after bombing

All over Boston, people are sleep-deprived this week. With nerves jangled and brutal images of Monday’s bombing replaying in their minds, many are having trouble falling or staying asleep. In fact, sleeping difficulties have been one of the most common health complaints since the attack, according to local hospital physicians.

Sleep specialists say that insomnia and nightmares are normal within the first several days after such a traumatic event, and many people may be making problems worse by self-medicating with alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine.

.About 90 percent of people will experience sleep problems at some point from a traumatic life event. “It usually lasts for a few days and less commonly for a few weeks,” said Dr. Khalid Ismail, a sleep medicine specialist from Tufts Medical Center. Those with previous bouts of insomnia due to depression or an anxiety disorder may be more susceptible to lingering problems, as well as those directly affected by the attacks, who are at risk of developing post traumatic stress disorder.

Dear Bostonians,

Can you now begin to grasp what Israelis have been through - the 1st Intifada, the 2nd Intofada, the ongoing terror and also the rocket firing from the Gaza Strip?

Sleep for the weary.


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