Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Proof of "Palestine" as an Apartheid State

The new community of Rawabi is going up, north of Ramallah.

On the official site it is described thus:

Live in Rawabi

Rawabi will provide opportunities for home ownership, employment, education and leisure. Best of all, Rawabi will offer a high quality-of-life well within the financial reach of many young Palestinian families.

The city will encompass more than 5,000 housing units and a central commercial area with banks, retail shops, restaurants, cafes, medical facilities, offices, a hotel, a movie theater and 3 cinemas. The city will also offer 8 schools, green spaces, playgrounds, civic services, church and mosques.

What, no synagogues?



If there will be no Jews, why would they need to build any synagogues?

Think about that.

It's apartheid. Ethnic cleansing.

P.S.  Arafat has done it before:

"The Palestinian state is within our grasp. Soon the Palestinian flag will fly on the walls, the minarets and the cathedrals of Jerusalem."

Yasser Arafat (The New York Times, 3 September 1993)


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