Monday, August 15, 2011

J14's Real Essence and Direction

Jonathan Spyer is a senior research fellow at the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and has looked at the

new protest movement complaining about high housing prices that is sweeping Israel
What is the cause and meaning of this movement?


The protests’ key organizers have clearly political motives...the individuals and organizations animating this protest are committed to a left-wing political agenda intended to weaken, embarrass, and, if possible, topple Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.


Many have clear affiliations indicating their hostility both to the current government and to mainstream Israeli positions. Funding is coming from the New Israel Fund and its operational group, Shatil.  Yehudit Ilani, for example, a leader of the protests in Jaffa, is an Israeli-Jewish member of the hardline, Arab nationalist party Balad, which openly supports dismantling Jewish statehood and the ‘”right of return” of Palestinian refugees, that is, Israel’s destruction...
Dafni Leef, another protest leader, is an employee of the New Israel Fund. Alon Lee Green, another of the most prominent organizers, is a member of Hadash, the Israeli Communist Party...

Yes, the issues are real, the demands understandable, the needs just.

But let's keep the agenda social and economic, not ideological, it seems.


1 comment:

Dot said...

Though I was glad to see a bit of tech media love for Israel -- it is misplaced. The libs still just don't get it.