Monday, February 01, 2010

So Gross, Man

David Grossman's words at the last (if it only would be really the last) demo over at Sheikh Jarrah according to Haaretz:

"There are times when one cannot sit quietly. The settlers and the right - with tremendous help from the government, legal system and financial powers - are abusing the Palestinians in a thousand ways...

...They are complicating the situation to such an extent as to make any peace agreement impossible, and are basically destroying our future...Maybe it's because of the way in which the settlers are taking control of East Jerusalem, which is brazen even by their standards. And maybe because Jerusalem is so symbolic and sensitive that whatever happens here takes on enormous significance."

And Ynet has this:

"There is a sort of eagerness among the Israel Police to attack protestors from the Left...We don't see such responses against riots by settlers, who conduct pogroms in Palestinian villages. There the response is well-measured, and this is simply intolerable."

Brazen? He used the word chutzpah.

What chutzpah on his part!!!

All of a sudden, after Amona, after the Katif Disengagement, after Hebron's Peace House, after the destruction of a synagogue in Nahliel, etc. etc., Grossman says what he says above.

And here is Bernard Avishai's rogue rhetoric:

...What other stand focuses on the collusion between the Jerusalem and national police and settlement organizations? What stand so dramatizes the importance of East Jerusalem, Palestine's largest city, and its historic commercial hub, as the capital of a Palestinian state? What stand so reveals the pathos of refugees losing property on both sides during this awful century of war, and the importance of moving forward with a sense of reciprocal fairness...

Jerusalem is a Jewish city. It has a significant Arab minority. For the past 150 years, the city has had a Jewish majority. For the past 3000 years it has been the capital city of the Jewish homeland.

What perverse corruption of the facts, of history, of the war the Arabs forced upon us since 1920.

And these are the "Jews".

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