Saturday, December 12, 2009

You Could Just Plotz

Plotz is Yiddish for getting all worked up.

I thought of it when I received this from A.Word.A.Day with Anu Garg:

noun: The repetition of a word or phrase for rhetorical emphasis or for extended meaning.

But its pronounciation is: (PLO-see)


If it was pronounced (pläts) it would be plotz which is an intransitive verb meaning:

Informal to be overcome with emotion; give way to excitement, anger, delight, etc.

Etymology: < E Yiddish platsn, lit., to burst, explode < MHG platzen

1 comment:

Joel said...

I'm not much of a Jew, since I never practice. But I'm shocked a web site called Right Word would say plotz means worked up. Huh?!

Since I could walk, I knew if my mother plotzed it was fall over in shock, faint or even drop dead.

I'm verklempt!