Saturday, December 12, 2009

What's Good for Them Is Good for Me

I've adopted a "What can you do?" piece from a pro-Arab group and you can use it just as well to protest the suspension of construction of Jewish residencies in Judea and Samaria:

Attempts to criminalize the natural and legal right of Jews to build homes, construct institutions and develop natural growth were curbed in the past with the help of an outpouring of support from people committed to justice from all over the world.

1. Please protest by contacting your political representatives, as well as your consuls and ambassadors to Israel ( to demand that Israel stops limiting and restricting Jewish rights in their national homeland..

2. Organise demonstrations outside of Israeli embassies in your countries in condemnation of Israel’s ongoing campaign against Jewish residency activists and in solidarity with those who are suffering due to Isral government's policies.

3. The Israeli support groups like the Yesha Council, One Israel and others is in need for funds in order to pay legal fees that may develop from accusations of construction violations as well as arrests and investment in building projects. Please donate.

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