Thursday, December 17, 2009

Guilty of Honorcide

Father found guilty of honour killing of daughter, 15, after she fell in love with man from different branch of Islam

Mehmet Goren murdered 15-year-old Tulay for her doomed 'Romeo and Juliet' romance with Halil Una, an older man from a different branch of Islam.

After the teenager lost her virginity to her lover she was viewed as a 'valueless commodity' by her father - and had to be killed to restore the family's reputation.

Mr Unal was a Turkish Sunni Muslim but the Gorens were from the Alevi branch of the faith and an Alevi-Sunni relationship 'would not have been tolerated', the Old Bailey heard...Goren planned the murder of his daughter with 'considerable care', even forcing her to write a letter relating a false account of what had happened to her to try to throw police off the scent.

Goren disposed of the schoolgirl's body 'with such ingenuity that it has never been found', he added...The term "honour killing" is a convenient shorthand, but it is a grotesque distortion of language. 'There is nothing honourable about such a hideous practice or the people who carry it out.'

The judge made clear Goren would not be eligible for parole until 2030, when he will be nearly 70.

Read more at.

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