Monday, August 03, 2009

Oh, Someone in ObamaLand Noticed

U.S. to Push Peace in Middle East Media Campaign

...reports in Israel, in particular, have focused on the claim that the Obama administration’s pressure is alienating Israelis even while it is failing to sway Arabs.
“One of the public misimpressions is that it’s all been about settlements,” Mr. Mitchell, the administration’s special envoy to the Middle East, said in a rare interview Friday after six months on the job....To get even that far, however, the United States may have to do more aggressive public diplomacy, according to analysts. Mr. Obama, commentators in Israel noted, delivered his major speech on the Middle East in Cairo. He has not yet visited Israel as president, and in the view of some, has not laid out his broad strategy to the Israeli people in a persuasive manner.

“Even if it was wise to focus on settlements, what the administration failed to do was provide a context,” said Daniel C. Kurtzer, a former ambassador to Israel who has advised Mr. Obama on the Middle East.

Media Campaign & more aggressive public diplomacy = unethical biased media cooperating.

1 comment:

web development said...

Judeh said that "piecemeal approaches that never lead to peace and that have proven repeatedly to be confidence-eroding, rather than confidence-building" must be avoided.