Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Interests Are Interesting

From Hillary Clinton's press conference with Tzipi Livni:

MODERATOR: Question for the Israeli press, (inaudible) radio.

QUESTION: Please, Secretary Clinton, we heard in more than one occasion from you statements regarding the determination of the Administration to be – to go along the lines of the two-state solution, earlier this morning, twice or three times. Do you anticipate there would be clashes or disagreements or tensions with the new administration in Israel? It’s no secret that Benjamin Netanyahu, a two-state solution is not part of his agenda. So what do you expect the relations be on that issue?...

SECRETARY CLINTON: We look forward to working with the new government when it is formed. Obviously, its formation is up to the people of Israel. The United States, regardless of our political party in the White House or in the Congress, has always worked and supported the government and the people of Israel, and we intend to continue doing so. Now, that doesn’t mean that as good friends, which we are, we might not have opinions that we will express from time to time. And certainly, having been on the receiving end, I know that Israel is not shy about expressing opinions about our policies...

It is our assessment, as I expressed yesterday and again today, that eventually the inevitability of working toward a two-state solution seems inescapable...We happen to believe that moving toward the two-state solution, step by step, is in Israel’s best interest. But obviously, it’s up to the people and the government of Israel to decide how to define your interests.


Watch out for the spelling.

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