Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Buchanan Blows It

Patrick J. Buchanan goes ballistic and blows it in:

UnAmerican Activities: The Israeli Lobby’s Assassination Of Chas Freeman

Notice the langauage:

... Charles Freeman...opposed the bombing of Serbia and said aloud what few privately deny: Reflexive support for Israel's repression of the Palestinian people is high among the reasons America is no longer seen as a beacon of liberation in the Arab and Muslim world.

Freeman echoed the Obama of yesterday, who bravely blurted, "Nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people."

At MEPC, however, Freeman committed a great crime. He published The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, which went onto the New York Times best-seller list—and put Freeman on AIPAC's enemies list.

Hence, when his name surfaced as Blair's choice to chair the NIC, the Israel Firsters went berserk, with Steven Rosen declaring him to be a "textbook case of the old-line Arabism"...

...Picking up the Rosen dog whistle, the neocommentariat came howling...

Within this smear bund (Murray Rothbard's phrase)...

...long ago, Al Smith addressed the age-old problem of the Rosens within: "The best way to kill anything un-American is to drag it out into the open, because anything un-American cannot live in the sunlight."...

(Kippah tip: Noah Pollak)


Suzanne Pomeranz said...

Buchanan is a has-been and blow-hard. Anyway who gives him any credibility is of his ilk - and should be ignored. He represents no one except himself.

g said...

Why antisemitism?

YMedad said...

becasue of how he frames his message. it is not only wrong and hateful but intended to stain

g said...

Nothing in his words implies antisemitism. At least for nonparanoid readers.