Thursday, January 10, 2008

Haim Misgav - A Voice Not Often Heard

No more withdrawals

We must resist pressure for further pullouts, as they will mark Israel’s demise

More than two years have passed since the act of folly that took place in Gush Katif and northern Samaria – and again, our leadership is conducting itself as if it was blinded by spotlights. No lesson has been learned; we hear the same old tunes. The same disregard to what the Arabs said, all of them, including the ones that already signed “peace deals” with us; the same old talk about “good” terror groups that can and should receive armored vehicles from us, in order to encourage what politicians greedy for a government seat refer to as a peace process.

Mortar shells and missiles and Qassam rockets continue to land across the western Negev desert, and now in Ashkelon too, a town of 150,000 residents, yet at the Prime Minister’s Office they are only talking about one “enemy” – the settlers; the people who settled beyond the Green Line, which has become holy since 1967.

The fact that these settlers fill the ranks of combat units and command courses is not being considered in their favor at all; the opposite may even be true. According to various “peace groups” funded by various external elements, this fact is more worrisome than anything else. This explains their obsessive urge to fight those living in Judea and Samaria. They are the only ones that need to be banished from their homes. Only after that will the sought-after peace arrive, apparently; the peace that would only apply to those who remain in the wake of the grand withdrawal to the coastal plain.

And another thing: Officials at Olmert’s court are not talking about south Lebanon, where a security zone existed until Ehud Barak ran away from there; a security strip that prevented rocket attacks at Haifa and other communities in its vicinity all the way to the outskirts of Zichron Yaakov. They are also not talking about the Gaza region that is so “far’ from the center of the country and where thousands of Jewish families lived and worked the land. Now they are talking about the very heart of the Jewish national home.

There is no shortage of excuses. Just like in the past, during the grim Oslo days, while buses were exploding in our streets, now too they are trying to sell us the idea that this is good for the Jews. These dumb withdrawals, that is. This is the way to go in order to maintain the “Jewish majority”, say the shapers of public opinion, and this is the only way to avert an “apartheid state.” The State of Israel has no future without another terror state on its eastern border.

Jews won’t survive another exile

Yet this is nonsense. More withdrawals like the one we saw in the summer before the “Second Lebanon War”, another euphemistic name for the colossal failure and complete collapse of the unilateral pullout model, and the entire Zionist enterprise, which has been established through such hard work and exacted such a heavy human toll, will crumble. There will be no more revivals following the next withdrawal.

The president currently serving in the White House can continue preparing his smooth retirement on our backs, but we must learn from history; from what happened to the glorious Czech people on the even of Word War II. Cynical politicians (at the time it was the British prime minister, who was apparently a naïve and not too bright individual) sought to achieve peace for generations to come at the cost of selling off Czechoslovakia to the Germans. Today, we see his American duplicate playing with the lives and fate of small nations.

There is perhaps only one small and not-so-significant difference between us and the Czechs: They survived World War II and after it ended went back to being what they used to be before. We, the Jews, will not be able to survive another exile, and therefore, if we wish to stay alive, we must not cave in to dictates: Neither the ones imposed by George Bush, nor the ones of local politicians whose political survivability dictates extraneous considerations.

In any case, there is no place in the world where unilateral withdrawals without an agreement bring peace. On the whole, there is nothing good about withdrawals.


Brad said...

I agree, mr Haim!

I think that Germany should be given to Germans, America to Americans and that nobody, who is not American, cannot have a job bigger than a cashier!

That's what you wrote today on Ynet News site, no?

Let me remind you, sir, that once, there was someone who rallied his people with EXACTLY the same cry, only that time it was "Germany to Germans!"

The next step was purity of German blood on soil of Germany, connected with great leader, dear sir, and in German it was "ein volk, ein reich, ein fuhrer" (one nation, one state, one leader). The concept was called "blut und boden", blood and soil/country.

You may yell me that I am antisemitic, sir, you may call me names, you can even erase this post, but it will not change the fact that you are a chauvinist. And the fact that you are Jewish, as once was I, who therefore thinks that is "vaccinated" against that evil, well, that fact applies NOT.

Well, I guess every nation has its right on its share of chauvinists and racists.

Please, sir, only do not call me "self hating Jew". Brings memories, sir, on Reich: yes, dear sir, you might want to check how official Riech propagandists called Germans who helped our poor brethren escape gas chambers. You know how it was? "Self hating Germans!"
So I suggest you find some other term.

But what can I say? It is so typical that an American Jew, who never actually felt the words I just uttered on his skin, to lead racist movements like in Judea and Samaria. I guess you had a pretty nice life in your USA, got fat with who knows what money and all for sudden remembered that you are a most holy, rediscovered religion, and so paid few trips to Israel, got intoxicated and finally decided to jump to Judea and Samaria and settle down. And to tell others what to do and how to behave one to each other, of course!

I do not wish you evil, sir, I wish you only that you get what you deserve. Have a good life, sir, self-lying life that you are a "good guy" and there out are "bad guys", but still a good life.

YMedad said...

Brad picked a year and a half old post to comment on Misgav's op-ed today, here.

And he made this point:

"The Arabs do not wish to be part of the Jewish State. They repeat it at every opportunity, including at the Knesset podium. They want all the rights of those who bear the burden, but are not thrilled about paying taxes, either municipal or national.

They really want to get generous allowances from the National Insurance Institute, enjoy health services at some of the world’s finest hospitals, study at universities on subsidized tuition fees, and build as much as their want in their communities. They also wish to reside, without any limits, in Jewish communities. At the same time, they seek to ban Jews from living in Judea and Samaria in the framework of the so-called “two-state solution.”

If so, we Jews are also allowed to say “no more.” Every young person who serves in the army for three years, during the best time of his life, while Arabs study and build their future, is entitled to preferential treatment. This is not discrimination. Rather, it’s permissible and legitimate affirmative action. No state in the world would act differently. There aren’t too many states, if at all, that would allow part of the population to shirk civilian duties but demand equal rights.

The time has come for us to stop apologizing to all the bleeding hearts. This discrimination is proper. If they spit on us, there is no point in telling ourselves these are raindrops. Only those who know how to stand up for their personal and national honor can elicit respect. It is important to let everyone know: In the Land of Israel Jews will not go like sheep to the slaughter. It would be worthwhile for the Arabs, who seek rights without duties, to review this lesson."

Brad is a bit mixed up. Jews who suffered antisemtism did not wish to alter the character of the states they lived in and in Germany, for example, tried to out-Germanise the Germans, writing better German literature, being better German scientists, etc. It didn't help. This is no the case with the Arabs.

Brad said...

A, so you feel threatened by Arabs?

I don't remember of ANY state that was "altered in character" as you put it.
The only alteration in character of the state, historically, are directly connected to conquest!
Let's mention Spain (all conquests, Christian, Muslim)

Mind you, Ymedad, the argument "they want secretly to change our character" was EXACTLY the argument Reich used to go on Jews. You want proof?
Here it is:

These are academic translations of Nazi propaganda texts. Maybe you should look at it - some of rightist's arguments are dangerously close to some things written there. After all - Nazis were also rightists. Only, their focus of hate were us.

As for your "Arabs will eat us" attitude: it CANNOT happen if you have a) a majority of one nation on b) separate soil/piece of Earth that has BOUNDARIES and is called BY that nations' name. So is INDIA, AMERICA, ENGLAND etc.
Last time I checked, it was ISRAEL written there.
Therefore: as paradoxical as it may seem, YOU CANNOT have annihilation of a state, "silent devouring". The moment that Israel was created as an state of ISRAELIES, hence, JEWS, and almost whole world recognized it - nothing of a type "becoming-Islam-country-eating-Jews-spitthemout" is possible.

And this is exactly why I am for 2 state solution: we blew our chances back in 1951 when we should assassinate Assad before he renounced his "Palestinians are Syrians" politics and started "Palestinians are Palestinians" which then other Arabs accepted.

TODAY, sorry, they are separate nation. We can only exterminate them, expell them (Nazi style, before 1923) or give them other territory, forbid return and in such way protect ourselves - a Palestinian with Palestine alive in Israel will ALWAYS be Palestinian.

But the bottom line and agenda behind everything is NOT "Arabs will silently change our character" or something like that: the bottom line is attempt to annex Judea and Samaria based on Torah.

So say that out loud, do not "silently change the character".