Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy To Kill Jews

I just published excerpts from an Islamic organ urging the killing of Jews. And then I recalled a photograph I had seen and I present it to you in narrowing focus:

That's a 1946 photograph of a crowd of Jerusalem Arabs adoringly receiving the returning political and religious leader Jamal el-Husseini, sidekick to the Mufti, who had been exiled to Southern Rhodesia in 1941 after escaping from Palestine to Iraq and there leading the pro-Nazi revolt agaist ther Nritish there. He had been under arrest for leading the terror campaing against the Jews and the Britihs in Mandate palestine during 1936-1939.

I noticed something:

Yes, a young woman. What was she so esctatic about? More killing of Jews?

He had founded a youth corps, al-Futuwwa (the name of an association of Arab knights during the Middle Ages), which resembled Germany's Hitler Youth and was officially designated the "Nazi Scouts".

At the founding meeting February 11, 1936, Jamal al- Husseini, a principal aide of Hajj Amin, declared that Hitler had started out with only six followers and now had sixty million. The first seventy al-Futuwwa recruits took the following oath: "Life — my right: independence — my aspiration: Arabism — my principle: Palestine — my country, and there is no room in it for any but Arabs. In this I believe and Allah is my witness."...The AHC [Arab Higher Committee] — in a letter from Jamal Husseini to [UK Prime Minister Clement] Attlee — issued an “ultimatum” and threatened “jihad.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's people like you and your narrow minded egocentric views that need to be Eradicated from existence because you are a threat to life EVERYWHERE. You don't like competition and you can't handle it. Embracing differences is what unites us and you can't handle it. We are here to stay for the long haul.