Thursday, March 17, 2011

Remnick's Anti-AIPAC, Anti-Bibi Polemic

Another David Remnick polemic:

...In the midst of a revolution in the Arab world, Netanyahu seems lost, defensive, and unable or unwilling to recognize the changing circumstances in which he finds himself.

The occupation—illegal, inhumane, and inconsistent with Jewish values—has lasted forty-four years. Netanyahu thinks that he can keep on going, secure behind a wall...Smug and lacking in diplomatic creativity, Netanyahu has alienated and undermined the forces of progressivism in the West Bank and is, step by ugly step, deepening Israel’s isolation.

It is time for President Obama to speak clearly and firmly. Concentrating solely on the settlements, as he has done in the past, is not enough; he needs a more comprehensive approach...

Avoiding all and any elements of the Arab side. Only Israel is and should be held responsibke,''
Well, after smacking Bibi around, Remnick goes for the "bogeyman" the antisemities love to hate:

If the Administration has been reluctant to put forward a comprehensive peace plan, it’s not because it has any difficulty imagining such a plan...The greater concern is domestic politics, both in the United States and in Israel.

For decades, AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League, and other such right-leaning groups have played an outsized role in American politics, pressuring members of Congress and Presidents with their capacity to raise money and swing elections. But Democratic Presidents in particular should recognize that these groups are hardly representative and should be met head on.

Even Obama is on the receiving line:

...The President has made mistakes on this issue: it was a mistake not to follow his historic speech in Cairo, in 2009, with a trip to Jerusalem...A visit to Israel, coupled with the presentation of a peace plan, would also help structure international support and clarify American interests. The Palestinian question is not an internal matter for Israel; it is an international matter. is important as a way for the United States to assert that it stands not with the supporters of Greater Israel but with what the writer Bernard Avishai calls “Global Israel,” the constituencies that accept the moral necessity of a Palestinian state and understand the dire cost of Israeli isolation...

"Global Israel" is just a euphemism for the Avishais of this Jewish world to avoid being labelled Zionists. It is another version of the Teudat Yisrael, the Emancipation-period Jewish universalism concept.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There aren't enough Jews interested in aliyah to make YESHA work. Plus all the money is in the Diaspora. How much do you generate in taxes every year once all your subsidies are taken into account ?

Which is more important to you- your home in "Shiloh" or the Jewish state? Soon you will have to choose.