Wednesday, February 10, 2010

West, East, West

I found here, this observation:

The Palestinian submission to US pressure that Israel’s large West Bank settlement blocs be annexed to Israel against a fictitious land swap is another vindication of the Israeli belief that facts created are facts accepted. But if West Bank land east of the 1967 border is still contested, so is Israeli land to the west. Hasan Abu Nimah comments.

So, I left this comment there:

If so, that Israeli land to the west of the former armistice line can be contested, then why not the land east of the Jordan River? After all, up until 1923, that territory was part of the British Mandate for Palestine and only in 1946 did the Kingdom become independent.

And then I found the original full article here, and left a similar comment:

If the former 1949-1967 armistice/cease-fire lines are not sacred, and it is suggested that what is West of the former Green Line is to be included, then why not east of the Jordan River, territory that was part of the Mandate for Palestine until 1946 when Jordan became an independent kingdom? The Jewish National Home included, until mid-1923, all of TransJordan. Tha, too, then, should be part of the land equation that would enable a more equitable division of the land between the two peoples.

1 comment:

Seth said...

Which is nowhere to be found :)