Tuesday, February 02, 2010


From an interview a blog friend - Rebecca Honig Friedman - with Fordham anthropology professor Ayala Fader, author of “Mitzvah Girls: Bringing Up the Next Generation of Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn” (Princeton University Press, 2009) published here:

...In the book you talk about the importance for Hasidic females of “fitting in” and being “with it.” Do you see the desire for conformity and what we might call “hipness” as being different from the similar desires of women outside the Hasidic world?

I see goals for fitting in and being hip or cool as issues that young people and adults negotiate everywhere. What is different is that for Hasidic girls, there are divine and cosmic repercussions when they don’t fit in. I think the moral stakes are higher and because of that, there can be less room for certain kinds of individualized expression. Not to say that girls don’t find many creative outlets —they do — but as I discuss in the book, certain kinds of curiosity or behaviors or questions are just not tolerated.

The issue of hipness seems to be something that is especially about girls and women. The terms I discuss, like nebby and shtotty [uncool], seem to be used only for women and girls. I’m sure men and boys have their own set of values for what cool is...


Try this:-

Shtotty – fancy or elegant; may sometimes be pejorative ("She thinks she's so shtotty with that new dress of hers.")

Now, if you want to be uncool, try this blog and be snarky:

Unpious.com is an online journal for those whose roots are in the Chasidic world but have left it in body or spirit. To paraphrase an old saying: you can take the Chasid away from his Rebbe, but he still takes the shrayim with him.

Our writers are encouraged to be snarky, cynical, and sarcastic, but they may want to add a dash of seriousness on occasion. Or the other way around; works just as well.

Contributions are welcome from anyone with ties to the community on topics of interest to fringe-Chasidic culture.


Hasidic Rebel


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