Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Palestine Not-A-State

Thanks to Elder of Ziyon, we now know the opinion of Human Rights Watch:-

under international law, Palestine in 2009 is not a state and has not been one at any time since Jordan's independence

And, let us add, even before that or at any time in history.

Never was "Palestine" a state, and surely not an Arab one.


Anonymous said...

Palestine is not a state and never was because the region was not carved up like a holiday turkey (as we see it now) for the victors of WW1 looking to get nice and fat off the resources of others. The Arabs had a deal with the British at the time for their own independence (not Palestine but the Arab world) but the British reneged. There was nothing left for the people of Palestine to do except opt for a state of Palestine.
We all know by now that the Zionists (a mere handful at the time) intended to take the land of Palestine for themselves and will destroy everyone and anyone who stand in their way. Ultimately there can be NO Palestinians left remaining on the land to remind the world that Zionists are 2 bit thieves and liars. Though that hardly makes sense since the Palestinians still exist all over the world and everyone knows by now (because now the world is small) who's land it is! Arabs are stubborn, they will never walk away and never stay away! Anyway, I feel for the Palestinians still there because they will be exterminated just like the Jews of Europe, every single one. But where the Jews don't care to go back home, the Arabs will. That's the difference and that's why Israel intimately has to lose. It was a crazy idea anyway! Everyone hates Israel especially their neighbors that are menaced directly and no state can exist as an island unto itself! It is just the dumbest idea I have ever heard of! Anyway, good riddance in advance. Right? Right!

Morey Altman said...

Moving along...

Interestingly, in the minds of many a State of Palestine already exists (which shouldn't come as a surprise to those of us that accepted that a Jewish nation existed for 2,000 years despite losing sovereignty over the land of Israel).

Indeed, (if Wikipedia is to be believed)..."About 130 countries have recognized the State of Palestine, which is represented as a non-member observer entity at the United Nations by the PLO under the name 'Palestine'."

Although there is some debate, many legal scholars argue that the State does exists. John V. Whitbeck, who served as an advisor to the Palestinian negotiation team during negotiations with Israel, writes that "[...] the State of Palestine already exists," and that when, "Judged by these customary criteria [those of the Montevideo Convention], the State of Palestine is on at least as firm a legal footing as the State of Israel." He continues: "The weak link in Palestine's claim to already exist as a state was, until recently, the fourth criterion, "effective control. [...] Yet a Palestinian executive and legislature, democratically elected with the enthusiastic approval of the international community, now exercises 'effective control' over a portion of Palestinian territory in which the great majority of the state's population lives. It can no longer be seriously argued that Palestine's claim to exist falls at the fourth and final hurdle."

In other words, Palestinians are able to receive the benefits of a state when it's advantageous, but DISCLAIM statehood when it would demand assuming responsibility for their own actions (eg. International law concerning the actions of states against other states.) It's a perfect scenario; why would they want to change it?

As we have seen, they don't.