Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Naomi Chazan Can't Tell The Difference

Naomi Chazan can't tell the difference between asking for an independent investigation and supporting groups that supply wrong, misleading and pejorative information to an outside institution so as to bring about that investigation:

"This is an attack against organizations that differ in their opinions about Goldstone [inquiry into the Gaza conflict]. The only thing uniting them is a demand for an independent investigation, and this is totally mainstream. Even [Deputy Prime Minister] Dan Meridor called for such an investigation."


yoni said...

seeing as you are an old hand on this issue (as per your recent "microfilm" post on that ancient newspaper article) and seem to know what you're talking about, and what you're talking about fits with what i think about it, i hope you're pointing this stuff out to your hoi-polloi gov't connections and not just to us in the peanut gallery. beware, nif/j-street: yisrael medad is in da house! go, go, go!

not kidding. didn't know you could have fans for this kind of gig, did you? or maybe you did- what do you do this for, anyway? maybe you could write a post (in your own words) about that. or, maybe you have and i missed it... or you could throw it on the pile of the many ideas i've tossed your way that you completely ignored, you stuck up, hoity-toity, nose-in-the-air ivory tower sycophant!


Anonymous said...

What’s funnier is this:

Chazan understands that packaging statistics to place her organization in a negative light is an “attack” on her organization (never mind, for the moment, the accuracy of the statistics). She understands as well that political calls for investing the NIF are also attacks on the organization (again, leave aside the question of whether the attacks are justified).

So how can she then turn around and pretend that the packaging of data to place Israel in a negative light (never mind, for the moment, the inaccuracy of the data) is not an attack on Israel, or that calls for investigations of Israeli wartime behavior are not attacks on Israel (again, leaving aside the lack of justification for attacking Israel in this way)?