Tuesday, February 02, 2010

How Many Books in Your Library?

If you go here and here you'll learn that a researcher claims that Israel destroyed Palestinian books, tens of thousands of them, after Israel's establishment.

A precis:

Israel plundered and destroyed tens of thousands of Palestinian books in the years after the State's establishment, according to a doctoral thesis to be submitted next month by a Ben-Gurion University researcher.

In an interview with the researcher published on al-Jazeera's website Thursday, he claimed that Israel destroyed the Palestinian books in the framework of its plan to "Judaize the country" and cut off its Arab residents from their nation and culture.

According to the doctoral dissertation, Israeli authorities collected tens of thousands of Arab books in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Haifa, Safed, and other towns that were home to Arabs. Israeli officials proceeded to hand out about half the books, while destroying the second half, characterizing them as a "security threat,"...

The researcher told al-Jazeera that according to documents he possesses, Israel destroyed 27,000 books in 1958, claiming that they were useless and threatened the State. Authorities sold the books, most of them textbooks, to a paper plant, he said. "This was a cultural massacre undertaken in a manner that was worse than European colonialism, which safeguarded the items it stole in libraries and museums," the researcher charged...

"Tens of thousands" is a quite imprecise figure. He does note 27,000.

Now, I am not sure if this is conjecture on his part but in any case, I would recall that Prof. Gershom Scholem by himself probably had over 10,000 volumes in his private library as did Martin Buber and if you add just 2-3 more similar scholars of that period of 1930s-1940s, less than 10 Jews had more than all the books destroyed of the whole of the "Palestinian Arabs".


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