Friday, February 05, 2010

Concussion-Prone and Slug Nutty

The following deals with head injuries cause by sports activity, notably football and boxing.

Someone, I think the descriptions sound very familiar to the punishment Israel and its Jewish and even non-Jewish supporters are undergoing. What do you think?

...“There is a very definite brain injury due to single or repeated blows on the head or jaw which cause multiple concussion hemorrhages...concussion-dementia...

...Martland was able to track down only 10 of the former athletes, but in those cases, he found the promoter’s diagnosis was on target. Four were in asylums, suffering from dementia. Two had difficulty forming sentences or responding to questions. One was almost blind, two had trouble walking and one had developed symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s disease.

His colleagues had also begun to realize that a concussive blow to the head could result in injuries that were remarkably slow to heal. An earlier study of repeated concussive blows in more than 100 people warned of possible mental degeneration: “It is no longer possible to say that concussion is essentially a transient state which does not comprise any evidence of structural cerebral injury.”

Martland argued that blows to the head — and the inevitable shaking of the brain that resulted — caused small but cumulative hemorrhages that could lead to scarring called gliosis. Such fibrous scarring is now known to be associated with dementias like Alzheimer’s and diseases like Parkinson’s that affect motor control...

Am I on to something?

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