Give Women Guns
I propose curbing gun violence not by further restricting the availability of guns but by expanding and reorienting it. Men would still be forbidden to walk the streets armed, in accordance with current laws, but women would be required to carry pistols in plain sight whenever they are out and about.
Were I to board the subway late at night, around Lincoln Center perhaps, and find it filled with women openly carrying Metropolitan Opera programs and Glock automatics, I’d feel snug and secure. A train packed with armed men would not produce the same comforting sensation. Maybe that’s because men have a disconcerting tendency to shoot people, while women display admirable restraint.
"The little black bag that goes with everything"
Even better, since it isn't a backpack, you can even wear it to Bais Ya'kov, provided you don't wear the gun with a jeans skirt. On the other hand, if a girl accessorizes her outfit with a semi-automatic weapon, maybe she can wear what she wants.
Somewhere, Mrs. Peel is smiling.
I hope not, but you never know these days.
I do know this, that for those men whose gun permits have been taken away, wives getting a permit is probably the only option for being able to have a gun in the house.
Even so, there is an argument for women in Yo"Sh at least to know how to use a gun. What if she's alone, or her husband incapacitated during an infiltration?
I don't believe that you disagree, just mentioning it for your readers.
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