Monday, March 16, 2009

Ireland Irony

Let em see if I got this straight:

Sir Hugh Orde, Northern Ireland’s police chief, said in a BBC television interview that investigations into the killings of the soldiers on March 7 in Antrim and of a police officer two days later in Craigavon were going “very well indeed.”

He described the groups that claim to have carried out the killings — the Real I.R.A. in the soldiers’ case and the Continuity I.R.A. in the police officer’s — as “small, marginalized, disenfranchised and well-infiltrated groups.”

So, if they are small,

and if they are marginal,

and if they are disenfranchised (?)

and if they are well-infiltrated,

how come they are killing policemen?


Anonymous said...

This group was formed in 1986 and they didn't carry out an attack until 1996. This is the first fatality they've been able to inflict on the PSNI in 10 years of attacks.

The assessment from Mr Orde is fairly accurate. They are a poorly armed, small, isolated, unpopular group. They are only able to very occasional attacks and even then they are usually thwarted. There are probably more members of this group in jail than outside.

The sad reality is that everyone gets lucky if they keep on trying. This group tried a very similar attack in the same area last year and missed. They just got lucky this time.

YMedad said...

As a colleague of J Bowyer Bell, I am fairly knowledgeable about Irish politics and I appreciate your information