Friday, February 06, 2009


This year has been a poor one in rainfall.

Out of an average annual rainfall of 550 millimeters - and the past two years have actually averaged only 350 mm. - we have had but 140 mm. until this past week.

We religious/observant Jews have added a special prayer to the morning Silent Devotion prayer these past two months or so.

Well, the farmers, agriculturists and rabbis in the Shiloh bloc area convened a special study/prayer day yesterday on Thursday, including those who undertook to fast.

Here's the flyer:-

13:30 Rav Ben-Tziyon Amar's lecture
14:15 Rav Elchanan Bin-Nun's lecture
15:15 Group study session
16:00 The Mincha afternoon prayer

Sponsored by the Meshek Achiyah company.

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