Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sorry, But In My Blog It Fits Perfectly

What is going to hapen to all the news that doesn't fit?

In a front page note to readers this morning, the [New York Times] stated that the print edition they will hold tomorrow will be decidedly more compact.

Beginning Monday, the Times "will reduce the width of its pages by an inch and a half," to a 12-inch standard, the paper declared.

"The move will cut newsprint expenses and, in some printing press locations, will make special configurations unnecessary. Slight modifications in design will preserve the look and texture of The Times, with all existing features and sections, and" -- it admitted at the end -- "somewhat fewer words per page."


1 comment:

Batya said...

I wish they'd change the ink. It still stains my hands and clothes, just like I remember as a kid.