Monday, December 11, 2006

Shlomo Ben-Ami Shame

Looking for some educational material for a program I am conceptualizing on Israel: Democracy and Jewishness, I came across this:-

SHLOMO BEN-AMI: On questions of anti-Semitism? Well, Israel is the result of the Jewish catastrophe. There is no doubt about it. If there were no Jewish catastrophe, there would not be a state of Israel. And I think that during the first years of — or before the creation of the state, especially for the figure of Ben-Gurion, the Jewish catastrophe needed to be enlisted for the cause of the creation of the state.

It's out of the transcript of a 2005 debate between Norman Finkelstein and Former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami.

My Zionist approach is Jabotinskyian and Yair Stern. The Jewish state is justified and legitimate because we are jewish and the Jewish people's notmal existence demands a state and the sovereignty that goes with it. That demand is predicated on Jewish reilgion, Jewish history and Jewish normality. The need for a state is the same if there is quiet or catastrophe.

The Left in Zionism couldn't accept that. It had to be because of socialism and then because of the post-Shoah reality. They called Jabotinsky's Zionism "catastrophic", to chide him for being too excited about antisemitism.

Now, Ben-Ami, as before him, have turned the argument on its head.

As we used to say, we have to "thank" Hitler for giving us a reason to have a state otherwise no one would have been convinced - or rather, the Left-wing in Zionism could not come up with a good reason for statehood.

What a Shlomo Ben-Ami shame.

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