Friday, December 08, 2006

Is David Twersky Going Twerpy?

Is my friend David Twersky (director of international affairs of the American Jewish Congress) going twerpy(*)?

Here's part of his The Forward op-ed:-

There’s Little Hope for Peace if Occupation Is a Proper Noun

I hate the Occupation and I hate the occupation.

I hate them both equally...Let me explain.

I hate the Occupation, the invented brutal and apartheid-like [David - how "like" is it? Like South Africa? Like the American South?] regime whereby Jewish Israelis systematically [wow, we got a system? do you have a system for opposing nationalist Zionism or is it just sporadic?] mistreat indigenous Palestinian inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

...I hate the Occupation because it denies history, assuming that the Arabs were willing to accept Israel before the 1967 war and refusing to acknowledge Jewish claims to the land of Israel, which if they are theoretically inapplicable to the West Bank are also offensive and unjust with regard to the pre-1967 core area of the Jewish state. [huh? do you mean that it's our fault for living in the heart of our homeland that this blinds people to the fact that Arab opposition to Zionist endeavors never gave a hoot for any boundaries or territories?] I hate the Occupation because the Israelis can’t get any credit even when they, as in the cases of Gaza and Lebanon, withdraw to the borders the international community claims as rightfully Israeli, while Arabs continue to “resist the occupation” under the absurd conditions that nothing is being occupied any longer and that, in any event, Israeli extra-1967 claims are now limited to less than 10% of the area of the West Bank...

...So I hate the Occupation and I hate the occupation, because generally one is either pulled to one side or the other and rare is the person who is able to simultaneously grasp the incomplete truths in each that form a whole truth only when held together by a complex sense of proportion.

Given the choice, most Israelis have demonstrated a desire to see an end to the occupation, [er when? which election?]...

...But unless the Israel question is settled in such a way so that Arab moderates [moderates? where? when?] can claim that a measure of justice has been achieved for their side and that the question of Israel’s continued existence is now off the table, Islamic extremists will continue to wage war against any deal with the Jewish state.

twerp also twirp
n. Slang
A person regarded as insignificant and contemptible.

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