Thursday, October 04, 2012

Jews Doing What The Police Prohibit on the Temple Mount

See breaking news below -

The arrow points to a siddur, a prayer book.  Open prayer books are not allowed on the Temple Mount (nor Bibles, Old or New Testament versions, Book of Psalms, etc.):

And he's about to prostrate himself, like it is written in I Chronicles 29:20 - "And David said to all the congregation: 'Now bless the LORD your God.' And all the congregation blessed the LORD, the God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads, and prostrated themselves before the LORD, and before the king.":

Judge Malka Aviv

yesterday, in her decision in the arrest of Chaggai Weiss, expressed her personal view that despite the habit of the police to prohibit prayer and the fact that the High Court of Justice, despite agreeing that prayer is a basic human right to be protected, has allowed the police and other state intitutions to get away with severely limiting that right in practice, nevertheless prayer should be permitted in an organized fashion at a secluded spot, etc., and that moreover, the fact that Muslims are uncomfortable with Jewish prayer is no reason to ban it and that the police must provide proper defense and security for those who wish to do so - see lines 9-13:


Breaking news:

Waqf volunteers attempt to provoke a fight with Jews this morning:

At left is Rabbi Yaakov Libi of Shiloh who, with his sons and more than a dozen other Jews, ascended to the Temple Mount this morning but were accosted by Waqf volunteers at right, who tried to provoke them but police interveneed.



The Bilateralist said...

I blogged about something that may interest you today "Why the Koran Frightens me?

Juniper in the Desert said...

I was shocked! A female judge giving a positive judgment?? Baruch Hashem!