Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Brilliant Observation

You have to understand the British Left, which is still near hegemonic in the humanities and social science departments in our universities, to grasp why those of a more liberal conservative persuasion will disagree.

First, there is the tendency to worship at the feet of foreign gurus, a failing George Orwell (or as Hobsbawm had it, the “upper-class Englishman Eric Blair”) attributed to Britain’s alienated intellectuals taking “their cookery from Paris and their opinions from Moscow”. This led them to give credibility to such evanescent charlatans as Michel Foucault, the chief exponent of “knowledge as power”, and the Palestinian activist and literary critic Edward Said.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THE BIG DIFFERENCE!!! A brilliant oberservation! Islam is not going to hell because they hate God. Islam is going to hell because they have a covenant with God to "Legislate" in hell. Remember when God referred to satan as "the ACCUSER of the brethen".... that would be the accuser of the Elect, the Christians, and all God fearing bible beleiving people. In the bible its made very clear that at the throne of God, Satan brings to light your transgressions and request Gods authority to ,act on his behalf, to take corrective actions against the infidel, Gods tainted elect and those Christians who are backsliding. UNLIKE ISLAM, when the liberals go to hell it will be that they blatantly chose to reject God. BIG DIFFERENCE!!! They will be on the wrong side of a cracking whip held by an Islamic rod of wrath seeking and administering Gods punishment for their sins. You see in hell you are punished for your sins. As we are serving our messia for 1000 years in bliss and peace awaiting the eternal dispensation, those who have rejected God will serve Satan and Islam, in hell awaiting their finale judgement.... 1000 years later at the White Throne Judgement. God cannot reach, cannot ration with, attempt to influence or communicate with the recalcitrant left or with that same element of the same sentiment on the right. They have thrown God to the pavement and are attempting to run over him with a bus. They will arrest you if you mention his name, privatly or publicly and they are incensed with Israel. They are antisemitic to the bone marrow. It will take 1000 years in hell, under Islamic correction before that electricity stops running up Chris Matthews legs and before he developes a repenitant state of mind in order for him to appear before Gods Throne Judgement, without the 1000 years in hell he could always plead insanity. God has a covenant to protect those in geographical Israel that bow to his authority. Israels boundaries and elect belong to God. Those that have rejected his rule will be wisped away in a whirlwind. Removal of the recalcitrant is the main function of the tribulation...the time of Jacobs trouble and it appears also to include the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has FINALLY WOKE UP...it seems their clergy is on survival steroids...unfortunatly they now will have to die for their beliefs....Obombulus will see to that!!! Like Willy Nelson sings, "ain't it funny" no one seems to get a handle on reality until it has a knife at your throat.