Sunday, August 05, 2012

Occupation Humor

There is an old joke about the Israeli who lands at Heathrow and when handed the entry form to fill out sees a line that reads "Occupation". All flustered, he writes down, "No. I live in Tel Aviv".

There is now another I found:

The Israeli approaches the airplane bathroom, locks the door, and discovers it reads: 'OCCUPIED', and thinks to himself, "How did they know I'm Israeli?"



NormanF said...

Speaking of humor, a rumor in pro-Israel circles has it Tom Friedman was so angry at the Dani Dayan op-ed, that the paper swiftly redressed the balance by publishing an anti-screed today - Sunday - by Israel's anti-Zionist extremist in residence, Avram Burg.

His choice of language is rather instructive:

"The emotional extortion compels Jews to pressure the Obama administration, a government with which they actually share values and worldviews, when those who love Israel should be doing the opposite: helping the American government to intervene and save Israel from itself."

The reason I point this out in bold is to illustrate that for such a great believer in a "state of all its citizens" - a classic anti-Zionist buzz term and "democracy" - Burg apparently cannot allow his fellow Israeli citizens to decide what is best for their own country.

They need to be saved from themselves. The people like Burg - so upset at alleged Israeli interference in the lives of Arabs - are upset at the lack of foreign interference in Jewish affairs in Israel!

The man's father must be rolling over in his grave. This is the kind of logic Friedman and the New York Times consider even-handed and which no doubt fits its "all the news that's fit to print."

August has barely arrived and already out of the gate is the first screed against Israel in its op-ed pages. Burg for what its worth, is many things but being pro-Israel isn't one of them.

Anonymous said...

Does Russia need a heads up? Talking of humorus howabout Madonna! I think Madonna needs to chill out like in a gulag. Russia will get the chance to eliminate her type of vermin when she performs at her concert in Moscow. Madonna will attempt to raise a fifth column in Russia for the taking down of that country by the Islamic caliphate. What she doesn't realize is that she is a rear admiral, and being used as a mule by Islam to raise a groundswell of dissent against the motherland. What will be on the heels of the butt brigade, she raises? Jihadists armed with chemical weapons from Syria, you know those chemical weapons that never existed in Irag but were transported to Syria with Russian 18 wheelers. Until Madonna realizes she is nothing but a mule for Islam, along with Gaga, and Elton John, she should be put on ice until she changes her attitude. Isn't that what purpose the gulag performs. She is harmless when she is just peddling American decadence, but know that she has become an inadvertent mule for Islam her stupidity is dangerous...for the normal folks.