Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Does David Grossman Employ Anti-semitic Argumentation?

Ben-Dror Yemini at Maariv takes on David Grossman whose front page sob piece at Haaretz seems to have bothered him:

Grossman and anti-Semitic method

...[we] need to look at the story of Omar Abu - G'riban as presented by author David Grossman. A sad story deserves to be condemned. The problem is that Grossman, like many others, sometimes inadvertently, sometimes deliberately, switch the correct order. When examining the number of Palestinians killed over more than forty years of occupation, it turns out that Israel is cautious, by any international standard. But Grossman upends the plate. It is like when a Jewish thief is discovered, the claim is that all Jews thieves. Anti-Semites specialized in this method. Grossman, alas, adopts it.

Factually, the Palestinians are far from being discarded by the wayside. In 1967, there was one institution of higher education. Today there are dozens. Education is the highest among Palestinians in the Arab world. And Abu - Mazen himself testified in an interview with the Washington Post in 2009, to the good reality in which they live ("in the West Bank we have a good reality . . . the people are living a normal life.") Since then, by the way, life there has improved.  We are already accustomed to the fact that there are Grosmans who are trying, by force, to counter any claim of Israel. After all, they are enlightened. You can rely on Grossman that he will make every effort to refute the claim of Abu-Mazan. He has already started.


1 comment:

Avraham said...

haaretz has bothered me for along time. I met once the fellow there who was in charge of the area of the newspaper that deals with Palestinian affairs. He would not openly change facts but would argue like a lawyer-- Israel was starving the Palestinian he would say. i would bring up the list of supplies allowed to be brought in Gaza food medicine etc but not weapons of things that could be used to attack Israel. he would not contradict me but he would always twist things.