Friday, October 14, 2011

Arnold Roth Updates on the Murderers of His Daughter Malki

Confirmation from the Pardons Board

We received a phone call a few minutes ago from the director of the Department of Pardons at Israel's Ministry of Justice notifying us of the official decision to release two prisoners convicted of carrying outthe Sbarro restaurant massacre. The woman, Tamimi, will be exiled to Jordan. Her accomplice, Muhammad Douglas, will be exiled to "chutz l'aretz" (Hebrew: means somewhere outside Israel's borders). What the unspecified location means, we don't know but it hardly matters. He and she will have their lives to live, despite having been sentenced in a court of law and after a full and proper trial to sixteen consecutive life sentences. And despite (in her case) having expressed pride in what she did, and an utter lack of remorse.
Read a mother's reaction to Gilad Shalit's release.


aparatchik said...

These people have no choice but to find solace in the return to life of Gilad Shalit. Their past and unchangeable suffering has made this future happiness possible and they can partake in it if they want. Why dwell on the future life of the perpetrators when you can rejoice in the future life of Gilad, his wife, children, gandchildren etc, etc. (Gd willing)? WHo knows what fate awaits these released murderers now they are no longer protected by Israeli walls. said...

Thank you for the post, really useful data.