(a) Israel was invaded since it was recognized by the US and so it's territory "existed". My point was that the UN had nothing to do with the creation of Israel and Israel is not dependent on the UN.
(b) Arabs soldiers from Egypt, Iraq, Syria, TransJordan and Lebanon (initially over 10,000) invaded Israel with corps of volunteers from Saudi Arabia, Libya and Yemen if we need be exact. Who is the ignoramous here? Who can't read newspapers or history books?
(c) what right to "grab" land? Are you ignorant? The League of Nations guaranteed the Jews, throught its Jewish Agency and Zionist Organization, pursuant to Balfour's Declaration (1917), Versailles Peace Conference(1919), San Remo Conference (1920), and followed by US congressional decisions in 1922, that all the territory, at least, that is now Israel with Judea and Samaria and Gaza should become the reconstituted Jewish national home. That the Mandatory Power whittled away land in contravention of Article 5 (and if you forgot - or didn't know: "The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power") does not make a UN recommendation, rejected, I point out, just, fair or legal. And once war was declared by the Arabs, what they lose they don't get back. Unless silly Jews lead the antisemites in conjunction with Nazi collaborating Arabs to try and conquer what doesn't belong to them.
(d) you write: "Had the war gone the other way, do you think that the UN would have intervened to save the Jews any more than it intervened to save the Palestinians?" Well, since the UN did try to help the Arabs - Bernadotte - you seem to be way out of your depth here in arguing either history, morality or legalities. Who is bizarre, I ask again. Your ask me "show me the UN resolutions singling out the Arab states as the violators". That's the point: they were the invaders, they announced a war of exterimnation and the UN becomes "even-handed".
Maybe all your activity on behalf of forces seeking to undermine Israel's security and the ideal of Zionism as Jewish nationalism is quite simply wrong and in error?
Answer is here and here.
i see that jerry hasnt bothered to respond to your points
wonder how far down the rabbit hole he would choose to go
did you make a shiva call to him today?
a) he's probably still asleep
b) i hope never to pay a shiva call to him. let's keep comments dignified.
comment wasnt meant not to be dignified....sunday was naqba day...that is what i meant
and he is in yerushalaim....if he is sleeping, then he has a great schedule
Excellent article above. May be you need more time to share all the knowledge that you have.
So, thanks for share this information with us, I always come across this amazing post.
Thank you for this blog. That’s all I can say.
You most definitely have made this blog into something that’s eye opening and important.
You clearly know so much about the subject, you’ve covered so many bases.
Great stuff from this part of the internet. Again, thank you for this blog
So, I do not really suppose this is likely to work.
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