Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Anti-Independence Day Posters

The anti-Zionist Hareidi Jews and their posters this year/

a) "the loyalists of God the King" are called not to participate in the festivities

b) protest is called

c) In the "Israel Exile"

d)  don't participate in hikes

f)  cry at night

g) Sefaradim should not participate in marches nor the festivities

h)  "the enemy has been strengthened"



Juniper in the Desert said...

These people should go and live in an arab country then; how about Hamastan or Fatahville? I hope they don't buy anything that has been made or imported by Israel. That includes food,clothing and housing as well as education.

aparatchik said...

Don't worry, by using modern Hebrew they are celebrating in their own way.