Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Whose Behind the New Arab "Revolt"?


Could it be?

1 comment:

Juniper in the Desert said...

Dear Yisrael, I know you are just taking the p*ss out of the jihadi in the WH, but this is what the REAL Lawrence said about Jews(chapter 2, the 7 Pillars of Wisdom,(1919-1924) whose title was taken from Proverbs):

"...Only in Tripoli of Africa(Libya), and in the everlasting miracle of Jewry, had distant Semites kept some of their identity and force"
He also wrote:"A first difficulty of the Arab movement was to say who the Arabs were. Being a manufactured people, their name had been changing in sense slowly year by year."
And he knew! The British created, with a little input from the French, the "Arab" world as we know it now!
Brilliant book with very interesting maps!!