Thursday, March 17, 2011

J Street in Finally Against Boycott Action

But there's a catch:

Statement on the Film “Miral”

J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami issued the following statement in response to attacks on the film Miral, producer Harvey Weinstein, and director Julian Schnabel:

J Street is deeply troubled by recent attacks on Harvey Weinstein and Julian Schnabel, as well as on their new film Miral...We oppose any efforts to limit Miral‘s distribution, as we would with any artistic effort to tell the important Israeli-Palestinian story from either people’s perspectives. We encourage broad engagement with the film and believe that only by understanding “the other’s” narrative can the groundwork be laid for a lasting resolution of the conflict and true peace and security for generations to come.

J Street opposes a boycott of a film that exploits art form to denigratre and oppose Israel.  (and here)

(k/t: NS)


So what's wrong with a highly visible film that's likely to get a lot of attention (even though it may be out of the running for an Oscar) and that shows the 'Palestinians' in a favorable light? Well, let's start with Hind Husseini. Does the name sound familiar? I thought it might. She was the sister of Haj al-Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem and a collaborator with Hitler. And she never apologized for that. And no, the movie isn't going to highlight it either.

And guess where the original 55 children in the orphanage came from? They were survivors of what Wikipedia calls the 'Deir Yassin massacre.' (There never was a 'massacre' there, but I won't get into that now). So you can bet that lie will be repeated.

The orphanage ended up in Sheikh Jarrah, directly across from what was until 2002 the 'Palestinian' headquarters in Jerusalem known as Orient House. Maybe we'll even see the nearby Shepherd's Hotel....

Do you all have a sense of where this is heading? This entire movie is one massive slander against Israel...

and someone else wrote:

you mention the film Miral. One of the problems with it, one that has not been mentioned in any recent comments that I've seen, is that it gives soft, favorable treatment to one Hind Husseini. Who is she? She founded an orphanage for Arab orphans of the Israeli War of Independence, which was in fact a war started by Arab forces with attacks on Jewish civilians in order to prevent an independent Jewish state. But starting an orphanage sounds nice, doesn't it?? In fact, Hind Husseini was the sister of Haj Amin el-Husseini, the notorious Nazi mufti. During his stay in the Nazi-fascist domain in Europe, this Husseini encouraged Nazi satellite states, like Bulgaria & Rumania, to send Jewish children to Poland, where, he said, they would be "under active supervision." Of course husseini knew what happened to Jewish children in Poland. So what was Hind's attitude toward her brother's efforts to have Jewish children murdered? ...But schnabel does not deal with that aspect in his film. Thus he is soft on Arab Nazi genocidists. Most likely, Amin Husseini's mass murder activities are not mentioned in the film.

This ought to be stressed in critiques of the film. Here Hind Husseini is shown as kindly caring for Arab orphan children. But just a few years before, her brother was trying to send Jewish children to be murdered. What does the film have to say about that??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anon sits on the right hand of hashem...nice


i am against protesting anything that people have yet to see.

i am sure that miral paints a negative picture of israel and jews, but i have read reviews of the novel, and reviews of the movie...and trust me, the critics dont treat either, all that kindly.

the absurdity of the story is that miral is orphaned because her mother commits suicide as a result of years of sexual abuse at the hands of her arab stepfather...yet it is only the jews who are painted as evil

all this protest is doing is giving free pr to a movie that wont be in theaters past april 1.

and if i have to read another article about how the directors mom was the president of hadassa, im gonna scream