Saturday, February 05, 2011

Soros Money Is Dirty Money. So J Street: Give It Back

This statement appears on the RJC web site.

...J Street knew about the radical anti-Israel positions of George Soros when he began funding that organization. J Street leaders repeatedly lied to hide Soros' involvement, in order to avoid the inevitable backlash from the vast majority of the Jewish community.

J Street has consistently shown itself to be outside the mainstream of the American Jewish community and far from what our community understands as "pro-Israel". But even for them, Soros' unrelenting and destructive obsession with Israel can no longer be ignored.

J Street must immediately return the money it received from George Soros and renounce all connection with him.

Do think they will?

P.S.  This came in response to this about Moskowitz money.


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