Monday, February 07, 2011

Meet the "Extreme Zionists"

The Louis Theroux program on "extreme Zionists" is here.

58 minutes.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really hope everyone watches this program

so what did louis exactly accomplish?

well, he did alot of blaming of the victims..."why would you put your children in danger?" really louis? why should it matter where a jew resides?

he showed an unfiltered view of those "unarmed" protests

got hit by rocks, thrown by terrorists in training.

heard lots of words of hate from arabs.

got a 17 year old kid to misuse the term, "chosen people"

got an israeli, whose english language skills arent all that great, to not fully explain why a non jew cannot handle kosher wine

got some good shots of an arab screaming about stolen apts and a table

what he didnt find was any wild eyed zionists screaming about killing or expelling all arabs.

and as im sure he had 100s of hours of videotape...that must have really killed him