Sunday, October 10, 2010

The NYTimes Does Pamella Geller



Ms. Geller, with a coterie of allies, has helped set the tone and shape the narrative for a divisive national debate over Park51

So, shrug.

Oh, her connection to Israel is much more than just this:

During the Lebanon-Israel war later that year, Ms. Geller video-blogged from an Israeli beach, flicking water at the camera, arching her bikini-bared back provocatively and equating Palestinians with Hamas.

But she responds:

Won't Fort Lauderdale be surprised to find out that the Zionist war machine is now occupying Florida beaches? Richer still was their reference to "arching her bikini-bared back provocatively." Please. I was submerged in the water with my kids in the background. Talk about easily titillated! I never arched my back except to swim away. They've been spending too much time with the Taliban. And they fault me for equating Palestinians with Hamas. The Palestinians elected Hamas, but who cares?
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1 comment:

Juniper in the Desert said...

I read that yesterday, it is a smear job. But it cannot hide what Pamela and Robert have achieved; a huge organised wave of protest that is having an effect!

The muslimes are running!

As you can tell I am a great admirer of Pam Geller! :))