Monday, December 01, 2008

A Sefer Torah Speaks

This is the Sefer Torah belonging to Chabad of Mombai which was damaged by bullet holes, after the terrorists had fired several rounds into the Aron Hakodesh [Holy Ark]. The bullets tore through the scroll leaving gaping holes.

When the Torah was opened at the airport it became apparent that the bullets tore near the words "וידבר ה' אל משה אחרי מות שני בני אהרן" - "And Hashem spoke to Moshe after the deaths of the two sons of Ahron", in Parshas Achrei ]Leviticus 16:1]. "The that the entire delegation stood frozen, in shock after seeing these words torn by the terrorist's YM"S bullets" said Rabbi Shneur Kupchik, the Chabad Shliach to New Delhi, in a choked voice.

1 comment:

DemoCaster said...

Holy Moses. Though the boy's future was spoken for by orphanage Migdal Ohr CNN, I've been feeling that the blessing for this boy will make him extra-special.