Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rice's Perversion of the Historical Chronicle

I continue to zero in on Condi Rice's changes and different emphasis on the US vision of peace between Israel and former Arab terror organizations in her remarks at the United Nations Security Council on December 16, 2008:

...in 2001. At that time, the Camp David effort had collapsed; Israelis and Palestinians were in a vicious cycle of violence; suicide bombers were murdering innocent Israelis in cafes and restaurants and at Passover Seders, leaving the rest of the population living in constant fear; Israeli military incursions left scores of Palestinians dead and wounded, neighborhoods destroyed, and the economy in shambles. No image better captures that desperate time than the siege of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

And yet, in spite of those tragedies, the cycle of violence continued. Each time a ray of hope penetrated the darkness, it was snuffed out by intolerance. Reforms within the Palestinian Authority in 2003 inspired hope that the Palestinians would finally have the leadership they deserved, and yet these reforms proved to be superficial.

Yet this hope -- and the hope proved to be deceptive. Yet Palestinian elections in January 2005 and Israel’s disengagement from Gaza later that year offered yet another opportunity for progress. But the victory of Hamas, a terrorist group committed to the destruction of Israel, in the 2006 elections in that summer, and then the war in Lebanon, ended that hope.

Finally, in 2007, after Hamas had usurped power in Gaza, it was clear to all that there was no alternative to President Bush’s vision of a state of Palestine and a state of Israel living side by side in peace and security. Building on this new dynamic, President Bush convened the Annapolis conference...

Since that day, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have bravely demonstrated their commitment to peace through continuous bilateral and substantial negotiations on all the core issues. They made the strategic choice to, as President Bush has said, defeat an ideology of hatred with an ideology of hope. The support of the United States and the international community for the parties’ efforts has not been sustained by false hope or ignorance of the challenges, but by a genuine belief in the sincerity of the parties’ commitment, in the progress they have made and continue to make, and in the prospects for success if they continue down this path.

There is a deliberate perversion of the historical chronicle in these words. Rice is purposely presenting a misrepresentation of facts as well offering a bias, in an attempt to sway opinion against Israel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As long as the dar al-Islam v. dar al-harb dichotomy exists in Islam, there can NEVER be "ME peace". That is simply an immutable result of the Islamic belief system. Pity that Rice, Clinton, Blair et al. cannot understand this, and leave Israel alone to best protect her citizenry.