Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Progression of the Israeli Left

My friend Hillel Schenker, formerly of HaShomer HaTzair and a graduate of Machon, in whose father's office I used to attend meetings of the American Zionist Youth Council in the late 1960s, has an op-ed piece in the UK Guardian which includes these excerpts:

there are three basic political components needed to move the peace process forward: Israeli, a Palestinian and an American components.

The Obama-Biden victory means that the American component is in place...[and]...The Peace Index monthly public opinion poll run by Tel Aviv University also consistently reflects the fact that a clear majority of the Israeli public accepts and supports an active US involvement in the peace process.

of course, this last bit is BS as the conceptualization of that peace is not the idea that Obama and Hillel possess

The other two components are more problematic.

...The current polls suggest that Livni's Kadima Party and opposition leader Benyamin Netanyahu's Likud Party are essentially tied, with about 30 seats each...So at this point it is not clear whether there will be a centre-left government, which would continue the negotiations, or a centre-right government, which would pose major obstacles for a continuation.

again, the polls quoted are way off and I would suggest Hillel redo his math or at least note that the Likud, at this point, is almost 10 seats ahead of Kadima and Labour is almost a wipe-out.

On the Palestinian side, the negotiating partner, according to the Oslo Accords and the Declaration of Principles of 1993, is the PLO leadership...They too are facing a major moment of uncertainty..Palestinian unity is important for the negotiations, but the Palestinians must designate negotiating partners who are ready to negotiate. Today this means Fatah, the left and independents like the prime minister, Dr Salam Fayyad.

hello? no mention of Hamas, Qassams, coup d'etat, no democracy?

This is poor writing, Hillel

And so "progressess" the Israeli Left.

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