Monday, December 15, 2008

Not Quite A Merry Christmas

No Christmas lights in England:

A MOTHER was told to remove her Christmas lights – in case they offended non-Christian neighbours.

Dorothy Glenn decorates her home with illuminations every year, including a giant tree and a 4ft Santa.

But this year she was stunned when a housing association worker called at her house and told her that the decorations she was displaying might be offending her South Shields, Tyneside: “I put the lights up in the first week of November and then recently a uniformed housing worker was outside and it looked like he was counting my decorations. “When I went outside he said that the lights were ‘offensive to the community.’

“If I was offending anyone I could understand why he was telling me, but nobody has complained.

“My neighbours are Bengali and Chinese and I know that they love the lights. The children will always point them out when they walk past.”


Anonymous said...

i am sure my channaka lights offend them too.

frankly christian holidays don't bother me at all never turned down a holiday bonus.

yochanan of LGF

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous - I am visiting Mumbai this week and Christmas lights abound.