Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New Book - Not Quite Your Pro-Zionist Literature

And how do I know?

Read Ms. Karmi's Counterpunch article.

For example, she writes:

When Israel was founded in May 1948, many Western states saw it as a moral and necessary act to compensate Jews for the damage Germany had inflicted on them. A faraway country, Palestine, in a backward region, mostly under Western control and without the capacity to resist, must have seemed an ideal refuge for the stricken European Jews.

Note this throwaway line:
mostly under Western control and without the capacity to resist

It was all under Western control, British-control to be exact, as a result of the internationally legal decision by the League of Nations in 1922-23 to award the United Kingdom a Mandate to facilitate the reconstitution of the Jewish national home, including "close settlement on the land", among other rights Ms. Karmi probably isn't happy about.

And no capacity to resist? What were the riots in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936-39 killing almost 1000 Jews and British as well as maybe 2000 moderate Arabs of the Nashashibi clan? Their violence and terror, oh, excuse me, their resistance, forced Britain to issue the infamous White Paper in 1939 which effectively sealed the fate of 6,000,000 Jews stranded in Europe with no homeland to go to if they could.

Again, Arab propaganda.

1 comment:

Kae Gregory said...

Listen, if morons of the world are going to believe the Arab pap about there never having been a temple in Jerusalem and that all of the thousands of years of literary and archeological proof that it did has been manufactured by the Jews, then I'm guessing that this crap will likely be a best seller hailed as "...the historical blockbuster of our time!"