Tuesday, April 08, 2008


The Hebrew word "reches" (רכס) means 'range', like in 'mountain range'.

The thinking behind this is a new attempt to assure a continum of Jewsih presence across the hills to protect against Arab encroachment. That's what the girls were doing the other night (see here).

Well, here's the poster announcing next week's events.

Get ready.


Haim Ramon understands this:-

"Construction in Judea and Samaria, especially the illegal outposts, stems from a wish to establish political facts that will make it difficult for the Israeli governments to adopt a policy different from that of the persons building the illegal outposts. They declare this, and therefore this construction has an open political and ideological nature. People say, we will build without permission so that if the majority in Israel wants to return part of this territory [to the Palestinians], it will be impossible or it will be much more difficult," Ramon said.

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