Friday, April 06, 2012

Another Arab Apartheid Act

From Haaretz:-

The issue of land deals in the West Bank is a knotty one. The root of the problem lies with the real danger to the life of anyone who tries to sell land to Jews. This began as a practice in the 1970s, and was anchored in law upon the establishment of the Palestinian Authority in 1994. A death sentence, which has yet to be carried out, was passed most recently in 2009, on a Palestinian from Hebron who sold lands.

In order to circumvent this problem, front men are used. These buy the land from its owners, then immediately transfer it to settlers and disappear from view. In many deals it has emerged that the front man cheated the landowners, or the land purchasers, and absconded with the money.
Goodness gracious. They. You mean Arabs kill, or injure, or torure or whatever sellers of property? Is that just an inhumane practice or actually racist? Does that law serve an apartheid purpose? Helloo? Rabbis for Human Rights? Amnesty Int'l? Human Rights Watch? Anybody? ^

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