Friday, April 06, 2012

The Demographic Solution (in progress)

[With thanks to Baruch Gordon but it needs more work and on what is it based?]

The population report below was prepared by the office of Knesset Member Yaakov 'Ketzeleh" Katz:

Judea and Samaria Jewish Population: 342, 414
as of Dec. 31, 2011

(Not including some 300,000+ Jews in the post-67 neighborhoods of Jerusalem)

On Dec. 31, 2000, there were 190,206 Jews in Yesha.

On Dec. 31, 2010, there were 327,712 Jews in Yesha.

The Jewish population increased in this region during 2011 by 4.3%.

Below are the stats for each town in Judea and Samaria.

Northern SamariaChinanit 985
Chermesh 230
Mevo Dotan 360
Reichan 196
Shaked 677
Total 2,448

Ariel-Elkana Bloc (Trans Samaria H’way)Revava 1,496
Oranit 7,119
Alfei Menashe 7,875
Elkana 3,693
Ariel  18,561
Barkan 1,570
Alei Zahav 1,029
Etz Efraim 852
Peduel 1,373
Kiryat Netafim 678
Shaarei Tikva 4,840
Total 49,086
Maaleh Adumim Bloc
Maaleh Adumim 38361
Kfar Adumim 3269
Mitzpeh Yericho 1927
Keidar 1082
Nofei Prat  ?
Total 44,639

Eastern Etziyon
Maaleh Amos 416
Nokdim 1,231
Tekoa 2,372
Metzad-Asfar 430
Total 4,449
Itamar 980
Elon Moreh 1,565
Bracha 1,749
Yitzhar 1,137
Migdalim 146
Shavei Shomron 818
Avnei Hefetz 1,597
Yakir 1,582
Kfar Tapuach 1,135
Maaleh Shomron 825
Nofim 493
Salit 556
Immanuel 3,478
Einav 709
Tzofim 1,373
Kedummim 3,996
Karnei Shomron 7,131
Total 29,270

Beitar Illit
Beitar Illit 41,986
Total 41,986
Kiryat Sefer Bloc
Hashmoniam 3,020
Kiryat Sefer (Modiin Illit) 53,649
Matitiyahu 474
Total 57,143

Binyamin Region
Bet El 5,961
Bet Aryeh 4,198
Bet Horon 1,180
Geva (Adam) 4,403
Givat Assaf ?
Givon Hahadasha 1,312
Givat Zeev 13,553
Dolev 1,371
Har Adar 3,873
Halamish 1,198
Talmon 3,253
Kochav HaShahar 1,937
Kochav Yaakov 6,791
Kfar HaOranim 2,336
Mevo Horon 1,795
Maaleh Levona 605
Maaleh Michmash 1,451
Nachliel 504
Nili 940
Naaleh 1,009
Ofrah 3,156
Amona ?
Ateret 514
Almon (Anatot) 1,118
Psagot 1,829
Rimonim 620
Shiloh 2,659
Keida ?
Adei-Ad ?
Esh-Kodesh ?
Givat Harel ?
Givat HaRoeh ?
Yishuv HaDa'at ?
Shvut Rachel ?
Eli 3,126
Total 70,692

Jordan Valley Region
Avnet  79
Almog 201
Argeman 167
Bet HaArava 117
Bekaot 205
Gittit 324
Galgal 162
Vered Yericho 244
Hemdat 155
Hamra 155
Yetav 269
Yafit 176
Mehola 464
Mechora 153
Maaleh Efraim 1,602
Mitzpeh Shalem 200
Mesua 190
Maskiot  73
Niran  70
Naama 136
Netiv HaGedud 190
Fetzael 270
Kalia 346
Roi 158
Rotem  86
Shadmot Mehola 573
Tomer 306
Total 7,071

Gush Etzyon
Elon Shevut 3,463
Elazar 2,132
Efrata 9,105
Bat Ayin 1,151
Har Gilo 669
Kfar Etziyon 603
Migdal Oz 423
Neve Daniel 2,212
Rosh Tzurim 800
Total 20,558

Hevron Hill
Adura 283
Eshkolot 649
Hevron 606
Haggai 565
Tene 712
Carmel 461
Maon 467
Metzudat Yehuda 440
Negohot 253
Susia 934
Otniel 733
Pnei Hever 376
Kiryat Arba 7,128
Shima 379
Telem 249
Carmei Tzur 837
Total 15,072


I'll review these as much as I can - and I already seem to think a good few communities are missing - and confirm or correct after Pesach.



  1. It all started with a few families and G-d made them as numerous as the stars of heaven.

    Its fitting for Passover. All that hostility and repression of the Jews has only increased their numbers.

    That upsets anti-Semites and Israel haters to no end. May the increase in Jews long continue!

  2. Missing places from Binyamin:

    Givat Achiyah 25 families
    Esh-Kodesh 13 families
    Givat Assaf 15 families
    Givat Haroeh
    Givat Harel 31 families
    Migron 48 families
    Mitzpeh Chagit 2 families
    Mitzpeh Dani 24 families
    Mitzpej Yericho 100+ families
    Matityahu 40+ families
    Neveh Erez 7 families
    Neriah 100+ families
    Amona 40 families
